My friend, Susan, works on a local organic farm, and once in a while she gifts me with fresh produce if there is an overabundance. Luckily, they had a very good ginger season, so Susan brought me a pound of the super fresh stuff.
I was going to make golden milk or chai, but thought it would be nice to preserve the ginger so that I could enjoy it over time. Then I remembered that my grandfather used to love candied ginger, something I didn’t fully appreciate as a child. But, as an adult traveling on the bumpy, windy roads of Ireland during a week of herbalism studies, I came to really appreciate the stomach-soothing properties of this wonderful plant.
I know it doesn’t look that appealing in the photo, but these ginger bites and ginger syrup taste incredible!
• 1 pound fresh ginger
• 1½ cup honey (local, if available)
• 1½ cups filtered water
Wash the ginger and peel if desired. Mine was super fresh, so I didn’t peel it, but you may want to if the rind is very thick.
Chop the ginger into small chunks.
Place in a small saucepan with the honey and water (the liquid should cover the ginger).
Bring to a boil then reduce heat to low.
Cover and let simmer for 30 minutes.
Remove lid and let simmer for another 30 minutes or until the ginger is tender when you poke it with a fork.
Remove from heat and let cool.
Pour the mixture into a strainer over a bowl.
Once completely drained, spread the ginger pieces out in a single layer on a wire rack or a sheet pan covered with wax paper.
Let the ginger sit out for at least 12 hours or until it has started to dry.
Transfer to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator. It will last for several weeks.
You can eat your candied ginger straight up. It can also be used in baked goods or other recipes.
Store the leftover syrup in a clean jar and use in coffee, desserts, salad dressings, or anything else you can imagine! Enjoy!
NOTE: Because the honey is simmered with the ginger, it will lose any of the health benefits of raw honey. But it still makes a wonderful anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-nausea tonic.
